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Hello, good evening, good morning. We had come welcome.
That who come in here, right now I think, "I want to draw the illustrations (but how to draw do not know ...)", easily Would such have been a while looking for a way to draw a picture ? And, like that to you, to show you how to draw a picture easily in just one minute, will be for the purpose of this site.
Not only the fish, such as the anemone fish, crustaceans and such as crabs and shrimp, marine mammals such as dolphins, and even more, such as such as how to draw freshwater organisms, such as axolotl, how to draw more than 350 (2016 December), all have been introduced in free. Any even one, we are happy and enjoy in addition to the repertoire of your picture.

author introduces

including the scuba diving, crazy to become the world's oceans not to land. You will want such a world picture, but begins to draw a picture of a fish, and struggled not draw as expected. Nevertheless, to continue and want to draw the world's oceans (if realized) 15 years. By continuing to draw, find the procedure easy to draw without draft a lot of fish. Some people were taught that way, because it simply began to draw a picture, to many people, begin to teach this way. However, to teach one person Lal, from the fact that there is a limit, it decided to publish the procedure how to draw on the Internet. Create 56 types of steps over it from one year. Start the Internet published on July 1, 2014. Then also continue to increase the procedure, the more than 350 (December 2016). Currently, intensive production in the aim of creating 900 type of procedure!